Alisha Albrecht with Freeland Community Schools ranks in the 66th percentile in pay as a public Michigan employee by earning $63,895 in 2020, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Ashley Painter with Freeland Community Schools ranks in the 65th percentile in pay as a public Michigan employee by earning $63,288 in 2020, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Melinda Sandoval earned $12,997 in 2019, 4.4 percent more than the previous year, working as a public employee in Gratiot County, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Jill Dillon with Bay-Arenac Intermediate School District ranks in the 65th percentile in pay as a public Michigan employee by earning $63,437 in 2020, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Amanda Sherry with Bay-Arenac Intermediate School District ranks in the 65th percentile in pay as a public Michigan employee by earning $63,622 in 2020, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Tina Bersano with Bay-Arenac Intermediate School District ranks in the 66th percentile in pay as a public Michigan employee by earning $63,778 in 2020, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Tiffany Ryan earned $44,451 in 2019, 21.1 percent more than the previous year, working as a public employee in Gratiot County, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Todd Starry with St. Louis Public Schools ranks in the 66th percentile in pay as a public Michigan employee by earning $64,018 in 2020, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Ruth Ann Bragiel with Bay City Public Schools ranks in the 65th percentile in pay as a public Michigan employee by earning $63,461 in 2020, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Erin Evans with Bullock Creek School District ranks in the 65th percentile in pay as a public Michigan employee by earning $63,542 in 2020, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Nicole Ryan earned $95,388 in 2019, 4.5 percent more than the previous year, working as a public employee in Bay County, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Peter Ryan earned $108,735 in 2019, 3.5 percent more than the previous year, working as a public employee in Saginaw County, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Katherine Wenzell with Saginaw Township Community Schools ranks in the 65th percentile in pay as a public Michigan employee by earning $63,054 in 2020, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Rachel Brasher with St. Louis Public Schools ranks in the 65th percentile in pay as a public Michigan employee by earning $62,826 in 2020, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
David Debeau with Merrill Community Schools ranks in the 65th percentile in pay as a public Michigan employee by earning $63,500 in 2020, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Christopher Wall with Merrill Community Schools ranks in the 66th percentile in pay as a public Michigan employee by earning $63,923 in 2020, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Linda MacLaren with Ithaca Public Schools ranks in the 65th percentile in pay as a public Michigan employee by earning $63,232 in 2020, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Robert Sager with Chesaning-Union Schools ranks in the 65th percentile in pay as a public Michigan employee by earning $63,119 in 2020, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Jill Bischer with Midland Public Schools ranks in the 65th percentile in pay as a public Michigan employee by earning $63,126 in 2020, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Angileen Krantz with Swan Valley School District ranks in the 65th percentile in pay as a public Michigan employee by earning $63,435 in 2020, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.